Hello and welcome to my website!

My name is Danny and I am from the Frankfurt area in Germany. At the age of 30, I have already developed a variety of passions that enrich my life. At the top of my list is my deep fascination for the Nordic countries with their icy cold, snowy landscapes and magical northern lights.

Als leidenschaftlicher Fotograf bin ich stets auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Moment, um die Schönheit der Welt einzufangen. kleines Selfie am Rande muss natürlich auch sein :)
Ob es sich um die majestätischen Polarlichter handelt, die den Nachthimmel in ein magisches Farbenspiel tauchen, oder um die malerische Ruhe einer schneebedeckten Landschaft – ich strebe danach, diese einzigartigen Augenblicke für immer festzuhalten und mit anderen zu teilen.

But my passion for photography does not stop with traditional shots. In addition, I love to conquer the skies with my drone and thus create a completely new perspective. Shooting from the air allows me to capture unique perspectives and show landscapes in all their glory. It's fascinating how a small flying machine expands my photographic creativity and allows me to explore the world from above.

Besides my love for photography and drone photography, I find relaxation and challenge in wrenching on vehicles. From motorcycles to cars, there is nothing more exciting for me than working on the inner and outer details and realizing their full potential. The crackle of the engine, the smell of gasoline and the feeling of speed are an inexhaustible source of excitement for me.

On my website I would like to present my photographic works, which reflect both the beauty of the Nordic countries and my fascination for vehicles and drone photography. Dive into my world of visual art and discover with me the unique beauty of the cold, snow-covered landscapes and the fascinating northern lights. Be enchanted by my aerial shots and experience the world from a whole new perspective.

I look forward to taking you on my journey through the Nordic countries and the fascinating world of photography, vehicles and drones. Let's discover together the magic of the North and expand the view of our world.

Your Danny